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Título : Estado de los recursos naturales en Centroamérica
Autor : Universidad Francisco Gavidia (UFG)
Leiva Bautista, Claudia Cecilia
Palabras clave : Renewable natural resources
Protection of the environment
Fecha de publicación : ago-2005
Editorial : UFG Editores
Resumen : The human beings have increased tbeir desire ot steeling the nafural resources; some resources have been on/y diminished while others are in the peth of disappearing, and in many cases people do not try to restare what they neve destroyed or stolen, tbis nonsense p/undering provoke an impsct thaf dlsrupts the eco/ogica/ systems and put all the living creatures, minera/s, soll... and the Jife itself in greaf danger. The scenery that we live in is the place where we should fake pert fo conserve our environment. The author makes en analysis of the current condition of the renewable natural resources of Central Americe. Jf everybody is interested in keeping and harmonizing with tbe environment, we will earn the invaluable survivsl end we will count with lots of elements that we Can use for ourselves, and fo generete the mosf economic benefit out of them.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/10972/2769
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos publicados en Revistas (UFG)

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