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Título : Sociología de género
Autor : Universidad Francisco Gavidia (UFG)
Navas, María Candelaria
Palabras clave : Sociology
Fecha de publicación : abr-2006
Editorial : UFG Editores
Resumen : Sociology is the global science e whose object of study is the social organization, the arisen relations and social institutions integrated as a whole to explain the laws in an objective and rational way in the historical development. Its contribution consists of turning to women subject and object of knowledge, that in practice has consisted oi revealing the feminine social activity, as much as to show its specific value. The first feminists were bound to the French revolution, later to the suffragist movement. In the universities investigators have begun to arise compromised with the feminine cause, and since the eighties in Latin America appeared the groups called study centers for women. The first world conference by UNO in 1975, posed "Women are active members, with rights, and at the same time a very important part of the development of the countries".
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/10972/2773
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos publicados en Revistas (UFG)

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