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Título : La historia de la sociología en El Salvador (1906-1959)
Autor : Universidad Francisco Gavidia (UFG)
Calderón, Raymundo
Palabras clave : Sociology-History 1906-1959
Fecha de publicación : abr-2006
Editorial : UFG Editores
Resumen : According to the speech, the history of sociology of El Salvador presents different comparisons; It can be perfectly focused with the progress of sociology in the American Continent. The history begins with the introduction of the firs: sociology course at the University of El Salvador. The Argentinean Gino Germani named to the to the stage of the social thinkers as presociology. The sociological concern was present in our alma mater, but it was until 1906 the point of departure of the institutionalization of the sociology teaching in our country. We essume that sociology was seen as a social science among the rest of the social disciplines
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/10972/2775
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos publicados en Revistas (UFG)

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