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Título : El papel de las y los sociólogos en el contexto de la globalización
Autor : Universidad Francisco Gavidia (UFG)
Rivas Platero, Wendinorto
Palabras clave : Sociologists-social
Fecha de publicación : abr-2006
Editorial : UFG Editores
Resumen : The intention of this speech is in sharing some ideas on the determining role of the sociologists in the context of globalization. /t is an approach, and therefore, this is opened to the discussion and own construction from the sociologic! Configuration. It is important to mention that the encounter of the first 100 years of sociology in El Salvador (1906· 2006), it is a good reason to investigate what these professionals do in the times of the third historical/ era of globalization in century XXI, and perhaps what they must do at the end oi this one and at the beginning oi a new era in the planetary village. In the threshold of century XXI, the symbiosis of the neoliberalism and globalization appears, as it affirms Javier Ibisate. In the past, the market Iiberalism of century XIX grew on the bases of the industrial revolution.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/10972/2777
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos publicados en Revistas (UFG)

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