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Título : The role of Central American Trade in developing El Salvador’s high-value exports
Autor : Escuela Superior de Economía y Negocios (ESEN)
Castro, Eleno
Palabras clave : Exportaciones de El Salvador
Complejidad de la industria manufacturera
Desviación de comercio
Comercio centroamericano
Fecha de publicación : ene-2020
Resumen : This paper describes the development and evolution of El Salvador’s industrial exports. This paper found that El Salvador’s exports to other Central American countries enhance business opportunities observed in an increase in the number of new products exported to this region and this products are more complex compared to the regular exports outside region. However, this paper also finds that the products that are exported first to Central America and then to the rest of the world are not the most sophisticated. El Salvador may benefit from trade diversion that prevents it from exporting high quality products to the world except Central America.
Descripción : Titulo original en español: Evolución y desarrollo de la complejidad de las exportaciones del sector industrial salvadoreño en los últimos 20 años
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/10972/4053
Aparece en las colecciones: Académicos

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